Battlefield 4 Double XP Premium Event Starts Today

Battle through the weekend and gain double the XP as usual.

DICE has confirmed a double XP Premium weekend for Battlefield 4 starting today from 8 AM EST/1 PM GMT and ending on 6 PM EST on January 5th. All interesting players can take part in their typical multiplayer modes such as Conquest, Deathmatch and whatnot to gain twice as much XP as usual.

Considering the number of problems Battlefield 4 has been facing, this comes across as a sign of good news. Depending on whenever Origin will come back online, having been hit by a DDoS attack earlier today, PC players may not be able to fully benefit from the double XP weekend. That being said, considering the event was delayed earlier, it will be interesting to see what response EA musters for those who can’t take part right now.

Despite the number of glitches and bugs, how have you found the multiplayer experience for Battlefield 4? Let us know in the comments about what you think.

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