Battlefield 4 Extended Cinematic Tools Makes for Awesome Multiplayer Footage

Playback your Battlefield footage from a different perspective.

Have you ever wanted to showcase more than just the default first person perspective when recording multiplayer footage in Battlefield 4? An interesting PC hack for the game dubbed Extended Cinematic Tools allows you to do just that, allowing for footage taken from the nose of a vehicle, from over the player’s shoulder and many other perspectives. Check it out above.

One of the cooler aspects of the hack is that it allows for multiple perspectives such as third person, spectating, free camera and even environmental settings which allow you to edit the overall look and feel of the world around you. That’s some serious cinematography power if you ask us.

How has your experience been with Battlefield 4, whether on consoles or PC, and its multiplayer, as compared to when the game first released? Let us know in the comments and also whether the Extended Cinematic Tools hack is something you’d be interested in.

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