Battlefield 4 Looks Mind Blowing When Seen In Slow Motion

How can anyone say no to explosions in slow motion?

New footage of Battlefield 4 has been revealed and it centers on planes. No, seriously, that’s all there is to it. The kicker is that this is all filmed in slow-motion and it looks quite amazing (if you’re interested in that kind of thing, that is). Check it out above and let us know what you think.

Battlefield 4 has most recently released on the PlayStation 4 in Europe as the console launched there this past Friday. It features a range of new features, especially for multiplayer including 64 player combat, the new Levolution mechanic which allows you to level skyscrapers and dams in order to dramatically alter a level and dynamic weather that changes a map on the fly.

Plus you also got instances such as the above, in which planes just dance about in the skies without a care in the world before getting blow up. Check out our review for Battlefield 4 here to learn more about the multiplayer.

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