Battlefield 4 Naval Strike Weapons and Gadgets Leaked

So many knives are on offer when Naval Strike releases in late March.

Thanks to the recent PS4 update for DICE’s Battlefield 4, the weapons for the upcoming Naval Strike DLC has been prematurely confirmed.

The new guns in the game are the AR160 (Assault), SR-2 (Engineer), AWS (Support), SR338 (Recon) and SW40 (All-Kit), which range from machine-guns to semi-automatics and revolvers. Meanwhile, the Assault class receives the M320 3GL which can shoot three 40mm grenades for handling multiple targets and the Engineer gets the Anti-Air Mine for murdering flying vehicles nearby.

There’s also an assortment of knives, including the Dive for underwater combat; the Tactical knife for an extended blade; the BJ-2; and the Precision, which is a lightweight knife. Knives are very handy for stealing enemy dog-tags and also for brutal wanton murder so load up and let loose.

Naval Strike will be releasing in late March for Battlefield 4 though as usual, Premium members will receive the DLC first. Stay tuned for more details.

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