Battlefield 4: New Screenshot Showcases “Support Evolution”

Also, how about some remote controlled mortars?

DICE has released a new image for the upcoming cross-generational first person shooter Battlefield 4 on its official Tumblr page, titled “Support Evolution” with the caption stating, “The XM25 Airburst Launcher and a redesigned, remote-controlled Mortar will allow Support players to give indirect fire support while staying with the squad.”

The latter sounds interesting enough but we’re curious to see how it works. We suppose this means you’ll no longer be confined to a single spot when firing a mortar and can thus move around while issuing strikes. It’s awesome in concept, and will certainly be much more helpful when calling in strikes on snipers and large squads.

Battlefield 4 will sport many other new features in multiplayer such as Levolution for remodeling your surroundings on the fly, the Commander mode for tablets, new weapons and a new faction and much more. It will release on October 29th in North America for Xbox 360, PS3, PC and Wii U, with a PS4 and Xbox One release due later.

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