Battlefield 4 Patch Brings In More Bugs: Resets To Battlelog to Rank 00, No Sound And More

Battlefield 4? More like BUGfield 4. Bam!

The latest patch for all versions of Battlefield 4 is now out and as with every thing it fixes, there’s also plenty of other things it breaks.

The Battlelog forums themselves state that, “Battlelog currently isn’t able to display Ranks above 110, and we have an update rolling out on Mar 11 that will fix this.”

So what happens when you hit Level 111 in-game? Your Battlelog rank is basically 00. Other bugs include the Killcam not correctly reporting who killed you; laser sight dots getting stuck; jet cannons seemingly unharming other jets with their cannons; the inability to cycle through team-mates spectating on Defuse; and of course, the borderless window, which continues to be broken.

There also tons of reported ninja tweaks which indicate buffs and nerfs to weapons and a couple of fixes that have arrived, such as the F2000 laser sight now being properly aligned. Check out the total list of bugs and tweaks here.

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