Battlefield 4 Tower Cable Used as Whip for Impressive Kill

Whip it good.

Battlefield 4, even with the number of patches and updates it’s received, remains as glitchy as ever. Nonetheless, players aren’t letting that ruin their fun and are still coming up with wacky and insane ways to kill their enemies. Case in point, turning an enormous steel cable into a whip for destroying aircraft with. Check it out above.

It involves detonating the cables holding the towers together, but the real trick is in making sure that aircraft are close by when it whips down. If nothing else, this shows us the true power of Battlefield 4’s Levolution mechanic, allowing you to turn just about anything on the battlefield into a weapon for decimating foes.

What are your thoughts on the above kill? Did you ever think that the giant cable could be used as such, or have you found other crazy means to kill foes? Let us know in the comments below.

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