Battlefield 5’s Full PC Requirements Revealed By DICE

Your system needs to be a monster if you want to play on the highest possible settings.

Battlefield 5 is less than three weeks away from launch, and DICE have finally shared the full details of system requirements for the game’s PC version. The requirements, which were shared by DICE’s global community manager Dan Mitre on Reddit, demand a very impressive set of specs from your system, especially if you want to play the game on higher settings.

Minimum requirements need an AMD Radeon RX 560 or HD 7850, or an Nvidia GeFore GTX 1050 or GTX 660, with an Intel Core i5 6600K or AMD FX-8350 processor, and 8 GB RAM- which is all perfectly doable. On recommended settings, you need either an AMD Radeon RX 580, or an Nvidia GeForce GTX 1060, with 12 GB RAM and an Intel Core i7 4790 or AMD Ryzen 3 1300K processor. When it comes to system requirements for DXR, things are kicked up notch, with 16 GB RAM, an Nvidia GeForce RTX 2070, and either an Intel Core i7 8700 or an AMD Ryzen 7 2700, while a DirectX RTX video card is also required.

You can check out the full, detailed system requirements below. Battlefield 5 launches on November 20 for PC, PS4, and Xbox One, but EA recently also detailed how you can get early access. December will see the launch of the game’s first and final single player DLC, with Firestorm, the battle royale mode, coming in March 2019. EA recently also confirmed that microtransactions won’t be included in Battlefield 5 for launch.

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