Battlefield Hardline: No Jets or Tanks, May Arrive as Additional Content

If it fits the theme, of course.

Visceral Games’ beta for Battlefield: Hardline is currently on-going and will last till the end of the week. Unlike previous Battlefield titles, the action veers into Cops vs. Robbers territory with heists, hostage situations and high speed car chases.

Due to perhaps the entire motif having changed from the military-esque setting of previous games, Visceral Games has revealed to fans on Twitter that there are, “No Jets or Tanks in this one.”

However, that doesn’t mean they won’t ever be added some where down the line. Additional clarification stated that, “In the initial release no, but if it fits the themes of any additional content, perhaps.”

Battlefield: Hardline is currently in open beta for Xbox 360, Xbox One, PS3, PS4 and PC. It will be arriving on March 17th in North America and March 19th in Europe so stay tuned for more information in the coming month, especially on future additional content.

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