Bioware’s Anthem: Official Key Art Revealed

What will we see come E3?

Bioware’s moved on from Mass Effect, and hopes that you’ll join them in saying hello to Anthem when the game launches early 2019. While they’ve avoided the comparison, it’s clear that Electronic Arts and Bioware are hoping to create a Destiny killer, with a wider, more open world with more exciting combat.

Just ahead of a likely to come information blowout at E3 2018, Bioware has shared the official key art for the game, similar to what we saw in the teaser that revealed the game last year. Four heroes rushing through an expanse towards a looming Sci-fi threat that looks like an Iron Man villain? Sounds exciting!

First announced last year at E3, Anthem is currently in development and has been pushed back from it’s original 2018 window into an estimated March 2019 launch, on PS4, PC and Xbox One. We’ve included the key art just below for your enjoyment.

AnthemBiowareE3 2018EApcps4Xbox One