Borderlands 3 Gets Cosmetic Packs With Skins For Hunters, Weapons, And More

Get a ton of skins for various things for the popular shooter.

Borderlands 3 came after a very long wait, and it delivered exactly what we needed it to with plenty of wacky humor, silly visuals and tons and tons of guns. The game will undoubtedly be something that players will be revisiting for a good while. With current example being the Eridium event currently happening. But that’s not all, as you can change up the look of the game as you play.

As of now, there’s new packs for the looter shooter. They contain cosmetics of various kinds. The packs are the Retro Cosmetic Pack, Neon Cosmetic Pack, Gold Weapon Skin Pack and Gearbox Cosmetic Pack. Most of the names are pretty self-explanatory, but you can check out listing for these under the DLC tab in your respective stores. If you happened to preorder the game, you should already have the Gold Weapon Skin Pack, and those who ordered the Deluxe Edition of the game should have access to all packs.

Borderlands 3 is available now for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC. The cosmetic packs are live across all platforms. For guide on rare spawns and loot they drop, take a look through here.

Borderlands 3gearbox softwarepcps4Take-Two InteractiveXbox One