Bulletstorm: Full Clip Edition-Related Announcement Possibly Being Teased By Gearbox

Might be a tease for a Switch port of the shooter.

Lately, Gearbox have been teasing quite a few announcements for their upcoming panel at PAX East. The most notable of these, of course, has been Borderlands 3, while another announcement separate from that has been teased as well. But clearly, they have even more stuff up their sleeves that they plan on revealing at the end of this month.

For instance, in a new update on Twitter, Gearbox put up an image from Bulletstorm: Full Clip Edition featuring one of the main characters, Ishi Sato, and Duke Nukem, who wasn’t in the original Bulletstorm, but was made playable in remastered release. The update is accompanied with the caption, “Time to tease another game for PAX!” What’s most interesting about the tease, though, that the image is a mirror image of the original picture from the game (see above), as pointed out by DualShockers. Are they possibly hinting at a Switch port with this switched image? Wouldn’t be the worst way to tease something.

This isn’t all Gearbox has teased for the Switch recently. A couple days back, they were teasing what many thought looks like a Switch port for Borderlands 2. Read more on that through here.

BulletstormBulletstorm: Full Clip Editiongearboxnintendo switchpcps4Xbox One