Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare’s Shipment Map Was Left in the Game by Accident – Developer

One of the most iconic maps in the Call of Duty franchise apparently made its debut in Modern Warfare by accident.
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The multiplayer design director behind Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare has reveaeld that one of the most iconic maps in the franchise was originally released by accident. In an interview with Dexerto, multiplayer design director at Infinity Ward, Geoff Smith, has revealed that one of the smallest maps in the franchise was first designed as a “split-screen map”.

During development, the Shipment map was added into the playlist script for the game for the sake of internal testing, according to Smith. It was developed during a time when split-screen multiplayer options for shooters were still a common occurrence.

“Our MP lead at the time, when we went live, forgot to [pull] it out and there was no going back,” Smith said. “That was truly an accident.”

The Shipment map is incredibly popular in any Call of Duty game where it makes an appearance, focusing on compact level design to encourage constant action between players.

Rumours from earlier this month indicate that 2023’s Call of Duty release might be a new entry in the Modern Warfare franchise as well, titled Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3.

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