Call of Duty Black Ops 3 Specialists, Maps and Screenshots Revealed

Each Specialist possesses their own unique weapons and abilities.

Treyarch’s Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 recently had its multiplayer reveal at E3 2015 and according to recent reports, it will be fairly different from previous games. This time around, you’ll be choosing from a variety of Specialist classes before a match with each Specialist offering their own unique abilities and weapons.

The Specialists include:

  • Ruin: Uses Gravity Spikes for AoE attacks and can gain a burst of speed using Overdrive.
  • Seraph: Possesses a high caliber revolver which can shoot through multiple targets. Combat Focus increases multiplier for Scorestreaks.
  • Outrider: Explosive arrows and “variable” range. Can see through walls using Vision Pulse.
  • Reaper: An experimental robot with a min-gun arm and Psychosis, which creates three different clones to fool enemies.
  • Nomad: H.I.V.E. acts as pod traps that deploy nano drones. Rejack ability allows you to recover from near death.

There will also be customization for one’s weapons thanks to the new Gunsmith allowing you to choose different camos and emblems. Then there’s the Weapon Paint Shop that allows players to create custom graphics for their weapons.

Last but not least, four new multiplayer maps were confirmed. These are Combine, which takes place in a research facility in the Sahara Desert; Hunted, a lodge in Ethiopia with waterfalls and an underwater pathway; Stronghold, a Swiss chateau in the Alps; and Evac, an evacuation zone on a rooftop in Singapore’s quarantine zone.

Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 releases on November 6th for Xbox One, Xbox 360, PS3, PS4 and PC.

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