Call of Duty: Ghosts PS4 Patch for 1080p Resolution Only Valid for Retail Copies

Copies used in graphical comparisons prior to launch were already in native 1080p.

Activision has recently released a patch for the PS4 version of Infinity Ward’s Call of Duty: Ghosts, which allows the game run at native 1080p. “Wait a minute” you’re probably wondering aloud and hopefully not in a public place, “That means the game has been running in 720p all this time! All graphical comparisons now useless!”

And that has been the story since this news broke out earlier today. However, Activision recently sent a note to IGN and confirmed that Call of Duty: Ghosts on PS4 which was made available to the site for comparisons was in native 1080p. This new patch is only valid for retail copies. Long story short, if you’ve seen a graphical comparison for the game in which it was claiming to run at 1080p for the PS4, then it wasn’t a retail copy.

Does this change the fact that Call of Duty: Ghosts is still one of the lesser games in the series and just generally doesn’t look all that great? Well…

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