Control- Developers Showcase New Mechanic That Allows You To Throw Bodies

The developers noted that they've just added this mechanic into the game and that it is still quite rough around the edges.

There’s lot that has been revealed about Control by developers Remedy so far. There’s plenty to be excited for from what we’ve seen till now, and now the developers have shown even more stuff, which is a new body-throwing mechanic that they’ve just added to the game.

Remedy announced on Twitter that they have just implemented this mechanic into the game, and they also put up a video which showcased this mechanic in action. The developers noted that this is still quite rough around the edges, but that they wanted to share what it looks like with fans. The body-throwing looks quite cool, and it seems to function in a way where you can control bodies through some sort of magnetic force, and use it to pull them close to you or throw them far away.

Remedy have stated that this is the most ambitious project they’ve worked on until now, we so can’t wait to see what else this game has in store for players. Control is set to release at some point in 2019 for PC, PS4, and Xbox One. You can get more details on the game in our interview with Thomas Puha, Head of Communications at Remedy through here.

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