Crackdown 3’s First Update Lands, Improves Performance During Co-Op

Xbox Parties are currently slated to release in two to three weeks.

Crackdown 3 has received its first major update since launch, bringing improved performance when playing co-op for extended periods of time. When playing in co-op, the game will now prompt you for an empty save slot instead of overwriting any existing save data. Unfortunately, it seems that the 30 FPS lock issue is still being investigated.

Other welcome changes include the projectile blast radius for the Annihilator and Minotaur now matching their actual visuals better. Propaganda Towers will also rotate one way instead of hitching a couple of feet back. You can check out some of the other bug fixes below.

The development also offered an update on Xbox Parties, noting that it was targeting a release in 2-3 weeks. Whether this will allow for players to invite their friends to Wrecking Zone multiplayer (a feature that was missing at launch) remains to be seen. In the meantime though, you can check out GamingBolt’s official review for Crackdown 3 here.

Crackdown 3 – First Patch Release Notes

Co-op Performance improvements:

  • We also improved performance during particularly long co-op sessions.
  • We are still investigating other fixes, including the 30 fps lock.

Co-op save games fixes:

  • Backing out of the World Select menu no longer overwrites the original selection.
  • Co-op campaigns should now prompt for an empty save slot to avoid overwriting existing world data.

Players should no longer have incorrect prompts to be removed from co-op session

  • When playing co-op, if one person leaves or drops a timer will start, notifying you before it takes you back to the main menu. This was popping up incorrectly for some people in active co-op sessions but should no longer be an issue.

Niemand’s air lift open for business

  • There was a small chance if you died during the Niemand fight, that the air lift to return to the boss arena would not be opened properly. This has been fixed.

Tanks bring more BOOM!

  • The Annihilator and Minotaur have had their projectile blast radius corrected to better match their explosive visuals.

Propaganda Towers only rotate one way

  • The rotating platforms on propaganda towers will no longer hitch a few feet backwards during their rotation.

Gaming mice no longer impact menu FPS

  • Fixed an issue where mice with high refresh rate/DPI were causing severe FPS loss in menu and occasionally in game.

Other Misc. Fixes:

  • Fixed a rare case where vehicles would be catapulted away during collisions.
  • Fixed issue with supply points not changing to blue in co-op.
  • Tons of audio and VO fixes.
  • Lots of other tiny fixes.

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