Cyberpunk 2077 Devs “Don’t Know Yet” How Launch Issues Will Impact DLC, Multiplayer Reveal Plans

"We have to sit and discuss," says CD Projekt president Adam Kiciński.

Even though Cyberpunk 2077 is finally out, it’s painfully clear that the game still needs a lot of work, especially on consoles. Anyone who is playing the game on any platform other than PC or Stadia has been met with litany of technical issues, and CD Projekt RED have stated that they plan to bring the game up to an acceptable level of quality, for which the bulk of fixes will be arriving in January and February patches.

Given that they have more post-launch polishing work ahead of them than they had imagined, however, how exactly does that affect their other post-launch plans for the game? For instance, Cyberpunk 2077’s paid expansions and its multiplayer project were both due to be revealed in early 2021. With the base game’s launch having been so problematic, have those plans now been pushed back once again?

As it turns out, even CD Projekt RED doesn’t know yet. Speaking in a recent conference call, CD Projekt president Adam Kiciński said that the company finds itself in situation that it had not anticipated, and as such, doesn’t yet know how said situation will impact plans for revealing post-launch content.

“First and foremost, we haven’t confirmed any dates yet, and as I’ve said
before, it’s hard to judge now,” Kiciński said. “We’re in an unanticipated situation and we’ll have to reassess. This is planned for January. We’re now focusing on managing the single-player release, working on patches, communication and – as I said at the very beginning of this call – our focus remains on gamers. We’ll see about further plans; the direction is obviously to proceed as planned, but we have to sit and discuss.”

Cyberpunk 2077’s PS5 and Xbox Series X/S ports are also planned for launch in 2021, but again, it remains to be seen whether those plans will be pushed back as the developer prioritizes fixing the game on the platforms it’s currently available on. Stay tuned, and we’ll keep you updated on any new details that come our way.

CD ProjektCD Projekt REDCyberpunk 2077pcps4ps5stadiaXbox OneXbox Series SXbox Series X