Cyberpunk 2077’s Multiplayer Will “Fit” With The Game’s Lore

Could the multiplayer mode be tied to the game's narrative?

While 2020 is looking to be quite packed as far as games go, there’s really one game releasing early next year that towers above the others as far as mindshare, and that’s Cyberpunk 2077. The game may have gotten some mixed feelings about the total focus on first person, but by and large, it’s a one game hype machine.

We also found out not long ago that multiplayer will come eventually to the title. But what form with that take? Well, CD Projekt RED aren’t ready to unwrap it yet, but it may be more involved with the narrative of the single player campaign than some are expecting.

Talking with VGC, Level Designer Max Pears talked in vague terms about the multiplayer mode being developed. While he stayed away from details, he promised that it “fit” with the game’s lore and world. While he doesn’t outright say so, it seems he’s implying that the multiplayer may have some connection to the game’s overall narrative.

“I can’t say too much on it because it’s still going through its process, but it’s about making sure that multiplayer fits in with the lore of the world and it feels right,” he said. “It’s about making sure it fits in with who we are as a company as well, because story is so important to us, plus it needs to fit in with how we design and deliver games.

“That’s why it was so important to go through the R&D process with it, to make sure that we’re not just throwing something in and that it feels like a CD Projekt Red multiplayer that has our beliefs and design philosophy.”

It’ll be interesting to see what direction they ultimately decide to take the multiplayer in, but the single player comes first in Cyberpunk 2077. The game is out on April 16, 2020 for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC, and Stadia.

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