DOOM Eternal Rakes In Twice As Much Launch Revenue As DOOM 2016

The shooter smashes launch sales records for the series.

DOOM Eternal has been hotly anticipated since the moment it was announced nearly two years ago, and that anticipation, to no one’s surprise, has resulted in solid sales for the first person shooter. Bethesda recently sent out a press release, and announced that the id Software-developed title has broken launch sales record for the DOOM series for its opening.

So what does that mean exactly? While Bethesda did not provide any specific sales numbers (they don’t often do that), they did confirm that DOOM Eternal has earned twice as much revenue from sales over its opening weekend than DOOM (2016) did- while we won’t know the full extent of its commercial success until we have exact figures, we can at least be sure that the game is selling well.

DOOM Eternal launched last Friday for the PS4, Xbox One, PC, and Stadia, while a Nintendo Switch version is also currently in the works. In the UK, the game debuted in second place on the sales charts, while also amassing over 100,000 concurrent players on Steam worldwide at launch. You can read our review of the shooter through here.

BethesdaDOOMdoom eternalid Softwarenintendo switchpcps4stadiaXbox One