Dragon Age 3 development shifted to next gen platforms- Rumour

Release date also pushed back to late 2013- probably.

Dragon Age 3 was announced a few months back for an early 2013 release, but now it looks like the development of the game might have shifted to next generation platforms, meaning the release date might also get delayed.

EA Shanghai level designer Tao Gu- who, according to Kotaku’s report, worked on Dragon Age 3 earlier this year- has updated his CV to mention that DA3 is now being developed for next generation home consoles. “[The] scope of the DAIII has been chaged, which will target next gen platform and will be postpone [sic] to 2014,” reads his CV.

Kotaku’s report says that the game’s release might have been shifted from an alleged late Fiscal Year 2013 release (ending March 31st 2013) to FY 2014 so that it could fall in the late 2013 slot- around November, which is considered to be the best time to release a game.

The game’s being developed on EA’s in-house FrostBite 2.0 engine, which is targeted at next-gen systems specifically.

There’s not much to back this rumour right now, but it seems legit. It looks like Dragon Age III: Inquisition might be releasing late next year for the PS4 and Xbox 720, or whatever the hell they will be called.

However, this has not been confirmed yet. So stay tuned, we will keep you updated.

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