Dragon Age: Inquisition Is Supposedly Made For PC Gamers, By PC Gamers

Bioware reaches out to the PC gaming community in this latest video.

Well now, how do we take this news? With a grain of salt or an ocean’s worth? In this video, we see Bioware staffers admit that Dragon Age was made and born on the PC, it’s roots run deep in the PC gaming community and we’re seeing a return to form. This is a good thing, make no mistake. But still, there are little niggles that I can’t help but point out.

Creating a PC specific HUD is a frigging brilliant move on Bioware’s part, but what made that HUD so useful was it’s all encompassing thoroughness and how well it worked with the camera. You spotted a threat lurking on the edges and you could put that creep down with a well placed pinning shot. This camera however, even when pulled out, doesn’t go nearly as far as that of Dragon Age: Origins and still looks somewhat limited in its range of movement. Unlocking the camera, in its entirety, would be a better move, for both PC and Console players. Pause and play is still there though. That’s sweet.

Another problem arises at 0:44. Why aren’t those enemies laying into our hero and then putting in the boot when they’re down. This looks to me as though it’s going to be a place of enemies getting into position before attacking. A far cry from the “open door-eat fire-eat arrows-die” gameplay of DA:O. Let’s hope this isn’t the case when Inquisition is out in November.

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