Dragon Age Inquisition: PC Modding Has Began

The future has been foretold, and it is modded.

Dragon Age Inquisition is a fine entry into the much loved Dragon Age series which has, except Dragon Age II, proven to be one of the most impressive and genuinely enthralling gameplay experiences that gamers can get their hands on across both the 7th and 8th generation hardware.

But as usual, the PC gaming community has come out swinging, saying “we can make this better”, as they oft do. Mods are a big part of PC gaming  and they do sometimes hugely improve upon the designers vision which is often limited to what the big-wigs of the company want to see, whether you want to admit it or not.

Thus, modding has began for Dragon Age Inquisition, starting off with texture extraction and improvement that so far, from what I’ve gathered, seems focused on player characters for the time being. This follows on the coat tails of the cheat engine tweak that lets players make use of the tactical cam that was so popular in Dragon Age Origins. You can check out the progress here.

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