Dragon Age Inquisition: There Will Be Over 200 Different Abilities In The Skills Tree

Dragon Age Inquisition will feature a wide range of skills and abilities.

Speaking to Dragon Age Inquisition’s creative director, Mike Laidlaw, GamingBolt asked about the game’s skills tree and the different types of abilities the player will have access too. Laidlaw confirmed that there will be over 200 of them, with many of them specific to each class.

“There is a wide range of them. When you add together all the upgrades, all the abilities, all the passives and everything you put towards your combat to make it all better there is an excessive of 200. The player will be able to purchase them, actives of course can be mapped so people can use them and other ones that permanently take less damage from arrows from the front are passive.”

“And of course, they do divide by class, so your Warriors have a different tree from the Rogues, different trees for the Mages. In addition to that, there are specializations as well. We’ve actually doubled-down on it being “special” because you have one now and you have too choose. The specializations are more robust than they’ve been in the past, they offer few more talents and really kind of push your character in a different direction than they would otherwise.”

“We’ve talked about some options such as the Assassins who’s a classic damage dealer, big hits, single target kind of vibe for the Rogue, great with an Archer and works well with daggers too. Then the Articifer is more of a trap-master, he is the guy who sneaks up and knows that everyone’s doomed as soon as they start walking to his direction. Letting you feel like there is a distinct play-style that you can adopt and say “oh ok, cool. This is how I am gonna pursue my class and my character and build my party.” I think is really intriguing. ,” he said.

Dragon Age Inquisition comes out this November.

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