EA COO: Battlefield 4 Errors on PS4 “Not True”, “Not What Our Servers Saying Right Now”

Peter Moore addresses concerns on Twitter regarding the game's multiplayer.

Battlefield 4 launched on the PlayStation 4 on November 15th in North America and has been riddled with issues since then. Most prominent is Error CE-34878-0, which crashes users right back to the main menu when they try to log into multiplayer. This issue is apparently also affecting the single-player game and while DICE is reportedly working on a fix, EA COO Peter Moore recently tweeted the following.

While DICE hasn’t offered any update on the upcoming PS4 patch – with the Xbox 360, PS3 and PC versions also receiving updates – it’s obvious that glitches are still apparent, with many users complaining to Moore. Are you still experiencing the error or has mashing X repeatedly managed to get you into multiplayer?

Battlefield 4 will be releasing on November 29th in Europe for the PS4, with an Xbox One launch on November 22nd across 13 territories worldwide. Will the Xbox One version be safe from errors? We’ll find out this Friday.

battlefield 4EAError CE-34878-0multiplayerpcpeter mooreps3ps4xbox 360Xbox One