Eidos: We are treating Thief 4 like a new IP

Eidos’ GM Stephane D’Astous has mentioned in an interview with OXM that they are taking a new IP approach with Theif 4 and it is just like as they developed Deus Ex: Human Revolution.

“We have more international staff working on Thief, which brings a great flavour to the game,” he said.

“There are a lot of challenges to bringing back a great cult IP, but we consider it like a new IP and we are going to respect the spirit of the franchise like we did with Deus Ex.

“Deus Ex was the kick-start of this new series of great games, and Thief will be part of that. We don’t want to deliver the same each time. Our mandate is to bring new stuff to the table; games that we’ll be talking about for years,” he added.

It will be interesting to see how they go about it as Deus Ex: Human Revolution was a phenomenal game, and considering Eidos Montreal was the one who developed it, things are looking promising for the Thief 4.

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