Fallout 76’s Next Update Includes Shops and New Gear

You can open your own shop and scrap Legendary gear.

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The next big update to Bethesda’s ongoing game, Fallout 76, is coming soon. The last update finally brought an in-game camera and new dungeon. The next major update, dubbed simply Patch 9, will come May 7th, and with it bring lot of big additions. We reported earlier about the “Every Upwards” part of the patch that will introduce backpacks and a new faction. But there’s a lot more coming, including the ability to open up your own shop, as well as a new gear system.

Patch 9 will allow players to open up their own vending machines at their C.A.M.P.S. You can assign items to it directly from your Stash and choose the Cap prices you’d like buyers to pay for them. A new legendary merchant also comes with the update, but instead of dealing in Caps, she takes your unwanted Legendary gear and items to get Legendary Scrip, which you can use to buy other Legendaries you do need. The patch will also come with various gameplay fixes, which you can see a partial list of below, or the whole thing here.

Fallout 76 is available now for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC. Patch 9 will be available May 7th across all platforms.

Survival Scoreboard Updates

With Patch 9, we’re planning to implement “Survival Score” as the new primary stat for the Scoreboards. Here’s how it will work:

  • You will receive one Survival Point for every Experience Point you earn while playing in the Survival Beta.
  • The total number of Survival Points you currently have will determine your placement on the Scoreboards. The three players with the highest Survival Scores will be highlighted on the Map.
  • On death, your Survival Score will be reset to zero.
  • When you kill another player, 75% of the Survival Points they had prior to death will be added to your Survival Score.
  • For example: If your Survival Score is 500 and you kill a player whose Score is 1,000, they will lose all their Points and you will receive 750, for a new Survival Score of 1,250.

Weapon Adjustments

Plasma Weapon Buffs

Plasma Guns aren’t currently as strong as we’d like them to be, and we wanted to give them a bit of a damage boost to bring them more in line with the other weapons at your disposal. The following buffs should help your Plasma Guns pack a little more punch across the board:

  • Base Plasma Gun damage increased by 30%.
  • Base Enclave Plasma Gun damage increased by 10% to 30%.

Explosive Shotgun Bug Fixes

We’re also implementing fixes for a pair of bugs affecting shotguns that have the explosive legendary effect. The first was causing them to deal double damage, rather than the 20% increase the explosive effect is intended to provide. The second issue was causing the Pip-Boy to display lower damage numbers than explosive shotguns were actually dealing to your targets. While these aren’t true balance changes, it’s important that we address these issues to bring more consistency to both the displayed and actual damage output of explosive shotguns.

Flamer And Cryolator Ammo Crafting

Finally, we’ve heard your feedback that Flamer Fuel and Cryo Cells can be hard to come by. We’d like to give you more opportunities to stock up on ammo for these weapons when you visit workbenches, and we are planning to make the following changes:

  • Flamer Fuel created via crafting increased from 5 to 20.
  • Cryo Cells created via crafting increased from 15 to 25.
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