After exploring various aspects of magical parkour, Luminous Productions’ Forspoken has received a new Deep Dive trailer focusing on combat. It starts with Purple Magic, which allows players to hurl rocks at enemies. Check it out below.
The spell Shot is used in various ways, from charging it up to rapid-firing several small bullets. Eventually, Frey will unlock Red Magic which provides spells like Fusillade hitting enemies with floating fiery blades, and Legion, which summons flame-based soldiers to fight with you. She can also use a blade, Slice, which attacks in a wide arc, triggers a blast when thrown, and more.
Cuff is also good in combat, taking damage dealt in Frey’s place and allowing for counterattacks. He can also scan the area for points of interest and enemies, even providing information on a foe’s weaknesses. There are numerous spells to utilize, and they all build up Frey’s Surge Magic to unleash a devastating attack. If that weren’t enough, she can also finish off stunned enemies.
Forspoken is out on January 24th, 2023 for PS5 and PC. Stay tuned for more details and Deep Dive trailers in the coming weeks.