At this point, Microsoft are putting all their first party games on the Xbox One on Windows 10 PCs too, via the Windows Store. In a lot of ways, this strategy makes absolutely no sense. On the other hand, for Microsoft, who have always been more concerned about software and services than hardware and devices, this is probably what they are most comfortable doing.
So it comes as no surprise that future Microsoft games are now being anticipated to be moved to PC too- a file found among the ones for Gears of War: Ultimate Edition seems to suggest multiple upcoming Xbox One games will be making the jump too. The games included in this list are Scalebound and the still unannounced Forza Horizon 3. The full list, courtesy of DSO Gaming, is:
- Microsoft.Gunpowder
- Microsoft.4Elements2
- Microsoft.AWorldOfKeflings
- Microsoft.Adera
- Microsoft.Adera-Lite
- Microsoft.AgeCastles (Age of Empires Castle)
- Microsoft.AgeofEmapiresCastleSiege (Age of Empires Castle)
- Microsoft.AlphaJax
- Microsoft.AoECastleBeta (Age of Empires Castle)
- Microsoft.ApexPG (Forza Motorsport 6: Apex)
- Microsoft.ArvadaBeta
- Microsoft.AtariGameOver
- Microsoft.Ausar
- Microsoft.BigBuckHunter
- Microsoft.Bingo-Beta
- Microsoft.BulldogThreshold
- Microsoft.BulldogThresholdClosedBeta
- Microsoft.ColdAlley
- Microsoft.CrashCourse2
- Microsoft.DisneyFairies
- Microsoft.DisneyFairiesHiddenTreasures-Lite
- Microsoft.DisneysLittleMermaid
- Microsoft.EdenFalls
- Microsoft.EdenFallsBeta
- Microsoft.EndlessSkater
- Microsoft.EveryStreetUnited (Sports Game)
- Microsoft.FableLegends
- Microsoft.FieldStreamFishing
- Microsoft.Fishdom3SpecialEdition
- Microsoft.GalacticReign
- Microsoft.CollateralDamage
- Microsoft.GNS-TEST-APP
- Microsoft.GoCargoBeta
- Microsoft.GoCargoBeta2
- Microsoft.GunpowderLITE
- Microsoft.HaloChannel
- Microsoft.HaloSpartanAssault
- Microsoft.HaloSpartanAssault2
- Microsoft.HaloSpartanAssaultiOS
- Microsoft.HaloSpartanStrike-Beta
- Microsoft.HaloSpartanStrikeiOS
- Microsoft.HaloSpartanAssaultLite
- Microsoft.Hexic
- Microsoft.HoganThreshold
- Microsoft.HoganThresholdClosedBeta
- Microsoft.HoloStudio (HoloLens HDK)
- Microsoft.Ilomilo
- Microsoft.KillerInstinct-Win10
- Microsoft.KinectimalsUnleashed
- Microsoft.Kodu
- Microsoft.Lucille
- Microsoft.MaxTheCurseofBrotherhood
- Microsoft.Minecraft
- Microsoft.MicrosoftBingo
- Microsoft.MicrosoftJackpot
- Microsoft.MicrosoftJigsaw
- Microsoft.MicrosoftMahjong
- Microsoft.MicrosoftMinesweeper
- Microsoft.MicrosoftNumberPuzzle
- Microsoft.MicrosoftSolitaireCollection
- Microsoft.MicrosoftSolitaireCollectionPreview
- Microsoft.MicrosoftSudoku
- Microsoft.MicrosoftTreasureHunt
- Microsoft.Microsoft.ProjectDenver
- Microsoft.MinecraftUWP
- Microsoft.MonstersLoveCandy
- Microsoft.MSDonuts
- Microsoft.NFLonWindows10
- Microsoft.OpusPG (Forza Horizons 3)
- Microsoft.OriandtheBlindForestDefinitiveEdition
- Microsoft.ProjectCastlesBeta (Age of Empires)
- Microsoft.ProjectFlair-Beta (Press Play Game)
- Microsoft.ProjectFortune (Press Play Game)
- Microsoft.ProjectKnoxville (Press Play Game)
- Microsoft.ProjectMercury (Press Play Game)
- Microsoft.Dakota
- Microsoft.ProjectSparkWebsite
- Microsoft.QuantumBreak
- Microsoft.Studios.RecklessRacingUltimate
- Microsoft.RecklessRacingUltimateLITE
- Microsoft.ReCore
- Microsoft.RocketRiot
- Microsoft.RosewoodFP
- Microsoft.RoyalEnvoyIISpecialEdition
- Microsoft.Scalebound
- Microsoft.SecretsTreasureTheLostCities
- Microsoft.SecretsTreasureTheLostCitiesBeta
- Microsoft.SesameStreetTouchandLearnTV
- Microsoft.ShadowPackPC
- Microsoft.ShuffleParty
- Microsoft.SkullsOfTheShogun
- Microsoft.Studios.HydroThunderHurricane
- Microsoft.Studios.PinballFx2
- Microsoft.Studios.TheWavyTubeManChronicles
- Microsoft.Studios.ToySoldiersColdWar
- Microsoft.Studios.Wordament
- Microsoft.StudiosRMTestApp
- Microsoft.Taptiles
- Microsoft.TeamCrossword
- Microsoft.Tentacles
- Microsoft.TentaclesII
- Microsoft.TentaclesEnterTheMind
- Microsoft.TheGunstringer
- Microsoft.TheHarvestHD
- Microsoft.ThisIsOnlyATest
- Microsoft.TJComboBoxingBeta
- Microsoft.TYtheTasmanianTiger
- Microsoft.UglyCastles
- Microsoft.VisitEdenFalls (Eden Falls Demo?)
- Microsoft.WordamentTapSnap
- Microsoft.WSOPFullHousePro
- Microsoft.XboxBriefingE32014
- Microsoft.XboxFitness
- Microsoft.XboxSport
- Microsoft.Zombies
- Microsoft.ZooTycoon3
- Microsoft.ZTFBeta (Zoo Tycoon Free?)
- Microsoft.zzzXLConfigTest
- Microsoft.14822C0D9D6C2
The fact that all the Microsoft games that have been confirmed for the PC so far are included in this list gives it a lot of legitimacy. It also makes it clear that Microsoft’s support for PC this time may in fact end up being more than just a flash in the pan as it has been in the past.