GDC Survey Shows 1 in 5 Developers Are Working on PS4

17% developers working on Xbox One, 4% on Wii U.

Now that the next generation of console gaming is in full swing, we are seeing a large scale shift of development resources from the older platforms to the newer ones, and a new GDC survey reveals that 20% of all developers (out of a pool of 2,600) are working on a game for Sony’s PlayStation 4.

The Xbox One almost ties, with 17% of the developers declaring projects in progress for Microsoft’s next generation box. If you own either an Xbox 360 or a PlayStation 3, you can expect a healthy amount of support going forward as well, with 12% and 14% developers respectively still working on those two systems.

It’s bright news all around unless you are a Nintendo owner- the Wii U, shocking no one, fared dismally in the survey, with only 4% developers declaring an intent to develop for it.

Nonetheless, the Xbox and PlayStation lines’ strong showing represents strong hope for the console industry.

“I think the concept that the consoles are spiraling out of existence is kind of premature based on that,” GDC head Simon Carless said of the finding to GamesIndustry International.

Hopefully, this means incredible games for all systems all around going forward.

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