Grand Theft Auto 5: New ENBSeries Screenshots Are Breathtaking

New screenshots show just how gorgeous some of these mods can be.

Since Grand Theft Auto 5 launched, there was a lot of talk about just how pretty the game was. Despite the fact that the game was already pretty, there have been a number of mods that make it even prettier. Mods have been the way of the GTA 5 world on the PC as well and those mods have changed the game up in a huge number of ways. It’s possible none of those changes have looked as good as the new screenshots that have surfaced as part of the ENBSeries beta mod.

Members of the ENSBseries have been working hard when it comes to coming up with new ways to make this game look bigger and better. Of course, there are some things that are a bit different about these mods. They aren’t putting the GTA 5 world under water, or even taking the water away from it entirely. These mods are all about just taking the world that already exists and glamming it up a bit. Two users in particular in dpeasant and Ryuken have actually been able to upres the world to the point that makes us wonder if Rockstar Games doesn’t wish they had given them a job.

Of course, the world is missing a few things, including a large number of people. The mods are apparently still a work in progress and there are going to be some things added later on. For now, you should check out the attached screenshots and marvel at the new Grand Theft Auto 5 mod.

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