GTA 5: Rockstar confirms the trailer used in-game footage, nothing pre-rendered

So current generation of consoles if draining out, huh?

A couple of days back Rockstar released the second trailer for next year’s highly anticipated game- Grand Theft Auto 5. The trailer was full of action, car chases and much more. We did full analysis of the trailer which you can check out over here. Given the amazing scale and draw distance that the trailer displayed, some people disagreed that this was running on a current generation console i.e the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. Some even thought that certain portions of the trailer were pre-rendered and were not in-game footage.

But this is Rockstar we are talking about. A game development team that has a habit of innovating with each of their games. They have confirmed that the trailer was all in-game footage and there’s nothing pre-rendered included in it. They confirmed this in one of the comments on the Official US PlayStation Blog.

When a reader was confused whether the trailer was in-game, Rockstar replied: “As with all our games’ trailers, it was made entirely from in-game footage and nothing was pre-rendered.”

So there you have it. That beauty of the trailer was all in game and was running in real time on current generation console. Now don’t be surprised. It’s Rockstar, you know.

Missed the trailer? We have it for your viewing pleasure right here:

Looking forward to GTA 5? Let us know in the comments section below.

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