Halo Infinite: Season 2 Launch Week “Has Been Bumpy,” Improvements Coming – 343 Industries

Interference challenges should now track properly. Five XP Boosts and five Challenge Swaps are also being provided for the event's duration.
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Halo Infinite finally received some new content last week when Season 2: Lone Wolves launched. It added two new maps, new modes like Last Spartan Standing and new cosmetics. That being, it also received a number of complaints like the patching of speed-running tactics and specific map spots for jumping in multiplayer.

Head of creative Joseph Staten addressed this on Twitter, stating that, “Hey Spartans, this week has been bumpy. That definitely wasn’t our goal. We are indeed taking your feedback to heart, especially regarding map jumps and speedrunning. We’re reviewing options and will have more news to come.”

Of course, there have been a number of bugs and issues like Interference event challenges not tracking properly when leaving matches. Senior community manager John Junyszek tweeted that challenges should “now be tracking more accurately and helping you earn rewards. There may be a delay if you leave early, but all progress should count once the match finishes in the background.”

To help compensate players, anyone who logs in while Interference is live will receive five XP Boosts and five Challenge Swaps. 343 Industries will also reduce the difficulty of certain Event Challenges and “making it so that completing them earns you 2 levels on the Event Pass.” Regarding the changes to map jumps and campaign speed-run tactics, Junyszek said, “We’ve seen the feedback around changes that impacted various multiplayer jumps and campaign speedrun strategies.

“We’re not at the point where we can promise anything yet, but want to be transparent and say that we’re taking the feedback seriously and reviewing options internally.” Time will tell what the developer decides so stay tuned. At the very least, you won’t have to worry about back-smacking numerous foes in Last Spartan Standing any more.

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