Halo Online: A PC Free To Play Shooter For Russia

I don't know what they're thinking, but it was daft

This was a stupid move to make. Microsoft have finally brought Halo to PC again, but it’s probably not what you wanted nor is it likely to be available for you to play unless you’re from Russia. Yes that’s right, in a seemingly blindingly misguided move, Microsoft have reworked and re-released Halo 3 as a free to play shooter in Russia in a move with Syber Interactive Studio and the publisher Innova. Why not make this a broad and open Beta is anyone’s guess. The PC community has been begging Microsoft to bring Halo back to PC, and this is what they do to start the ball rolling.

What we know so far is that the game was presented by 343 industries and that there is a closed Beta test that will be starting “very soon”. There are going to be some famous Halo game modes available to the player, including Team Slayer and we also know that Assassinations are confirmed, as is backstabbing.

Halo Online will also feature packages and abilities that players can use, they are Fighting, Safety and Support. The game will also sport Halo Online specific maps that are developed specifically for the game and players will gave customisable slots.

Maybe I find myself annoyed at 343 for their recent total mishandling of the Halo IP, but I know I speak on behalf of PC gamers the world over when I say that this is not how to reintroduce Halo to the PC audience.


343 industrieshaloHalo 3Microsoftpcxbox 360Xbox One