Hi-Fi Rush Guide: All Life Gauge Pieces Collectibles And Their Locations

Check out our guide on finding all life gauge pieces in Hi-Fi Rush.
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Collecting life gauges increases Chai’s max health in Hi-Fi Rush, making him more durable in the long run. It’s possible to play without the upgrades, but you’ll be intentionally crippling yourself, for little to no results. This guide will help you locate all the life gauge pieces in Hi-Fi Rush. So, let’s get started!

Track 1: A Fresh Start

Life Gauge Piece #1 can be found by exiting the hallway after the scene where 808 transforms and linking with you. Head to the left and locate a doorway on the right. Inside, before encountering Smidge, you’ll find the gauge.

To find Life Gauge Piece #2, climb the ramps after getting the vlog. Before jumping to the rooftop, check to the left and use the upper ledge to double jump and dodge to reach the next gauge.

In the same room as vlog 5, get to the upper level conveyor belt using the raised lift to discover Life Gauge Piece #3. You’ll find the gauge behind the containers.

Track 2: Power up

Life Gauge Piece #4 – After reaching the tall shaft of catwalks, climb to the very top using the platform and search for moving containers. Jump onto them, and ride them to the hidden catwalk with gears. Once there, use the small crate to reach the rafters at the top of the room where you’ll find the life gauge hidden.

Life Gauge Piece #5 – Use Peppermint to blast the valves and reach the top. From there, look to the left and interact with a treasure chest robot to get the gauge.

Life Gauge Piece #6 – To get this gauge, complete the sub-quest at the end of the area. Follow the catwalks from the treasure robot’s location to reach the large exit, and talk to the cleaning robot on your way. The robot will ask you to shoo away some nearby pigeons.  To do so, use Peppermint to blast the birds away. The first pigeon is sitting on a stack of crates next to the robot, the second one is on a turquoise pipe behind the position of the first bird, and the last set of pigeons are sitting on the yellow struts near the top of the exit

Track 3: Trial By (Volcanic Fire)

Life Gauge Piece #1 – To find the first life gauge piece, head over to the magma rock platforms and look for a treasure chest bot located on the lower right. You’ll need to complete a mini game to open it and collect the gauge.

Life Gauge Piece #2 – If you’re outside Test Room 3, jump on the wall behind the receptionist and then onto the glass box. From here, use the green pipes to climb up to the upper ledge at the corner of the room. The second life gauge piece should be there.

Life Gauge Piece #3 – After you leave the Test labs by zip-lining and dropping down, turn around and descend the shipping container platform to find the third life gauge piece waiting for you.

Track 4: Less Budget, More Problems

Life Gauge Piece #1 – To get the first life gauge piece, ride the zipline and look for a shipping container platform. Jump to the rooftop before entering the AI lab to find the piece there.

Life Gauge Piece #2 – Go past the circuit and descend to a lower ledge at the lava level. The gauge can be found there.

Life Gauge Piece #3 – During the AR Lab sequence in the lava cave, you’ll encounter a giant projection of Zanzo. As you enter the area, look to the left to find the third life gauge piece.

Track 5: Breaking Out

Life Gauge Piece #1 – In the room with two large cylinders, head to the second cylinder and reach the platform behind it. From there, jump to another hidden upper platform to find the gauge.

Life Gauge Piece #2 – On Route 01, at the top of the path with fire walls.

Life Gauge Piece #3 – You’ll receive the gauge as a reward after completing the platforming gauntlet that includes the circuit.

BethesdaHi-Fi Rushhi-fi rush all life gauge pieces collectibles and their locationsMicrosoftpcXbox Series SXbox Series X