LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga Guide – All Core Upgrades and Class Upgrades

Fight with the Force as a Jedi or Dark Side character, or earn Studs with each kill as a Bounty Hunter - here's every upgrade for each class.
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LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga is the biggest game in the series yet, offering all mainline films to play through and more than 300 different characters. It can get a bit overwhelming but fortunately, a class system has been introduced as a means of unified progression for similar types of characters. There are nine classes – Jedi, Hero, Scavenger, Scoundrel, Bounty Hunter, Villain, Dark Side, Astromech Droid and Protocol Droid – each with their own play-styles and upgrades. Furthermore, there are Core upgrades which apply to all characters.

Let’s take a look all of the Core upgrades first, what they do and how to upgrade them:

  • Speedy Sprint – Increases your sprinting speed. At level 1, sprint 10 percent faster (costs one Kyber Brick). At level 2, sprint 30 percent faster (costs 25,000 Studs and 15 Kyber Bricks) and level 3, you sprint 40 percent faster (costs 50,000 Studs and 20 Kyber Bricks).
  • Fast Build – Increasing building speed. Level 1 enables you to build 25 percent faster (costs 10,000 Studs and 5 Kyber Bricks). Level 2 allows for building 50 percent faster (costs 25,000 Studs and 10 Kyber Bricks) and level 3 lets you build 75 percent faster (costs 50,000 Studs and 15 Kyber Bricks).
  • Counter Cash – Performing Combat Counters awards Studs. At level 1, gain 250 Studs for each counter (costs 10,000 Studs and 5 Kyber Bricks). At level 2, gain 500 Studs for each (costs 15,000 Studs and 10 Kyber Bricks) and at level 3, gain 750 Studs for each counter (costs 25,000 Studs and 15 Kyber Bricks).
  • Extra Health – Additional another bar to your health. Only upgrades to level 1, which costs 10,000 Studs and 5 Kyber Bricks.
  • Ship Enhancements – Your ships will deal more damage when attacking. At level 1, gain a 10 percent increase to attack damage (costs 10,000 Studs and 5 Kyber Bricks); level 2 bestows a 15 percent increase (costs 25,000 Studs and 10 Kyber Bricks); and level 3 provides a 25 percent increase to damage (costs 50,000 Studs and 15 Kyber Bricks).
  • Collectible Detector – Provides an on-screen marker to highlight any collectibles that may be nearby. At level 1, this allows for detecting ships and Minikits (costs 10,000 Studs and 5 Kyber Bricks). At level 2, this also detects Kyber Bricks (costs 25,000 Studs and 10 Kyber Bricks), and at level 3, it can also detect nearby Datacards (costs 50,000 Studs and 15 Kyber Bricks).
  • Attract Studs – Any Studs that are far away are automatically collected. At level 1, Studs are attracted from a brief distance (costs 10,000 Studs and 5 Kyber Bricks); at level 2, they’re attracted from a moderate distance (costs 15,000 Studs and 10 Kyber Bricks); and at level 3, Studs are attracted from a large distance (costs 25,000 Studs and 15 Kyber Bricks).
  • Extra Health – Two more bars are added to your maximum health. Only upgrades to level 1 and costs 10,000 Studs and 10 Kyber Bricks.
  • Melee Attack Power – Damage of Lightsaber and melee attacks is increased. At level 1, they’re increased by 10 percent (costs 10,000 Studs and 5 Kyber Bricks). At level 2, they’re increased by 20 percent (costs 25,000 Studs and 10 Kyber Bricks) and at level 3, they’re increased by 30 percent (costs 50,000 Studs and 15 Kyber Bricks).
  • Ranged Weapon Power – Blaster shots and other ranged attacks deal increased damage. Level 1 increases their damage by 10 percent (costs 10,000 Studs and 5 Kyber Bricks). Level 2 increases the damage by 20 percent (costs 25,000 Studs and 10 Kyber Bricks) and level 3 increases damage by 30 percent (costs 50,000 Studs and 15 Kyber Bricks).
  • Health Recovery Speed – The rate at which health automatically recovers is faster. Health recovery also starts sooner. At level 1, health will recover 10 percent faster and start 1 second earlier (costs 10,000 Studs and 5 Kyber Bricks). At level 2, it starts 2 seconds earlier and recovers 20 percent faster (costs 25,000 Studs and 10 Kyber Bricks). Finally at level 3, it starts 3 seconds earlier and recovers 30 percent faster (costs 50,000 Studs and 15 Kyber Bricks).
  • Extra Health – Increases maximum health with three additional health bars. Only upgrades to level 1 and costs 10,000 Studs and 25 Kyber Bricks.

Now let’s take a look at individual classes and their upgrades, starting with the Jedi. Wielding Lightsabers that can be used for melee combat and deflecting shots (which can also be thrown from range), Jedi wield the Force in different ways. You can use Mind Tricks like Influence to control a character; Panic to induce frenzy and cause a character to attack others; and Distract which makes a character dance. This is on top of manipulating objects and moving them around. If that weren’t enough, they can also wall run.

Here are all of the different abilities and upgrades that Jedi can get:

  • Force Flinger – Objects thrown with the Force deal increased attack damage. At level 1, they deal 15 percent more damage (costs 10,000 Studs, 4 Kyber Bricks); at level 2, they deal 30 percent more damage (costs 25,000 Studs, 8 Kyber Bricks); and at level 3, they deal 50 percent more damage while having an explosive impact (costs 50,000 Studs, 12 Kyber Bricks).
  • Jedi Reflexes – Combat Counters damage nearby foes and are much stronger. Gain a 50 percent damage increase in a small area at level 1 (costs 10,000 Studs, 4 Kyber Bricks). At level 2, gain a 100 percent damage increase in a moderate area (costs 25,000 Studs, 8 Kyber Bricks) and at level 3, damage is increased to 200 percent while affecting a large area (costs 50,000 Studs, 12 Kyber Bricks).
  • Trick Time – Duration of Jedi Mind Tricks like Distract and Panic is increased. Lasts three seconds longer at level 1 (for 10,000 Studs, 4 Kyber Bricks) and six seconds longer at level 2 (costs 25,000 Studs, 8 Kyber Bricks). At level 3, their effects last nine seconds longer (costs 50,000 Studs, 12 Kyber Bricks).
  • Mind Master – The range of Distract and Panic is increased. Gain a small range increase at level 1 (costs 10,000 Studs, 4 Kyber Bricks); a moderate range increase at level 2 (costs 25,000 Studs, 8 Kyber Bricks); and a large range increase at level 3 (costs 50,000 Studs, 12 Kyber Bricks).

Next is the Hero class. Along with accessing specific Hero Terminals for different areas and rewards, they can also disguise themselves using armor from vanquished foes. This also allows for interacting with items that only Villain characters can use. They can also grapple onto hooks for opening containers and reach out of the way bars for climbing. Let’s take a look at all of their upgrades below:

  • Improved Shield Generator – Ships that Hero characters pilot have increased shields. Level 1 increases shield by 25 percent (costs 10,000 Studs, 4 Kyber Bricks); level 2 increases it by 50 percent (for 25,000 Studs, 8 Kyber Bricks); and level 3 increases shield by 100 percent (costs 50,000 Studs, 12 Kyber Bricks).
  • Armored Disguise – Armor pieces equipped will provide damage reduction. For each piece equipped at level 1, gain three percent damage reduction up to nine percent in total (costs 10,000 Studs, 4 Kyber Bricks). For each piece equipped at level 2, gain six percent damage reduction up to 18 percent in total (costs 25,000 Studs, 8 Kyber Bricks). At level 3, each piece equipped provides 10 percent damage reduction up to 30 percent in total (costs 50,000 Studs, 12 Kyber Bricks).
  • Rebel Heart – Chance of vanquished enemies dropping Hearts is increased. At level 1, Hearts have a 25 percent chance of dropping more frequently (costs 10,000 Studs, 4 Kyber Bricks). At level 2, they have a 50 percent chance of dropping more (costs 25,000 Studs, 8 Kyber Bricks) and level 3, their chances of dropping more often are increased by 75 percent (50,000 Studs, 12 Kyber Bricks).
  • Hero Terminal Expert – Allows for bypassing Hero Terminal interactions along with granting bonus Studs for completing them. Level 1 grants 2500 Studs for each completed terminal (costs 10,000 Studs, 4 Kyber Bricks); level 2 grants 5000 Studs for each (costs 25,000 Studs, 8 Kyber Bricks) and level 3 rewards 7500 for each terminal cleared (costs 50,000 Studs, 12 Kyber Bricks).

The Scoundrel is the Star Wars equivalent of the Rogue, except they seek Opportunities and can locate weak points for different machines. Smuggling is also one of their talents, making them necessary for undertaking certain missions, and they can also acquire Rumors and Hints at a discount. Let’s take a look at all of the upgrades for the Scoundrel below:

  • Business Opportunist – Receive discounts when purchasing Rumors and Hints. Level 1 provides a 10 percent discount (costs 10,000 Studs, 4 Kyber Bricks); level 2 gives a 25 percent discount (costs 25,000 Studs, 8 Kyber Bricks); and level 3 gives you a 50 percent discount on all Rumors and Hints (costs 50,000 Studs, 12 Kyber Bricks).
  • Charged Shot – When holding down and releasing the button, unleash a Charged Shot which can bounce off the environment and inflict 25 percent more damage. At level 1, Charged Shot will bounce off of one surface (costs 10,000 Studs, 4 Kyber Bricks). At level 2, it bounces off of two surfaces (costs 25,000 Studs, 8 Kyber Bricks) and at level 3, it bounces off of three surfaces (costs 50,000 Studs, 12 Kyber Bricks).
  • Combat Slide – Execute a slide while running, which can damage enemies and objects. Level 1 allows for sliding a short distance and dealing a small amount of damage (costs 10,000 Studs, 4 Kyber Bricks) while level 2 offers a moderate distance and more damage (costs 25,000 Studs, 8 Kyber Bricks). Level 3 is the best as it allows for shooting while sliding (costs 50,000 Studs, 12 Kyber Bricks).
  • Piercing Rounds – Ranged attacks can pierce through cover but deal reduced damage. At level 1, enemies take 15 percent of damage inflicted on cover (costs 10,000 Studs, 4 Kyber Bricks); level 2 sees enemies taking 30 percent of damage inflicted on cover (costs 25,000 Studs, 8 Kyber Bricks): and level 3 has enemies taking 45 percent of damage dealt to their cover (costs 50,000 Studs, 12 Kyber Bricks).

Next up is the Scavenger. If you’ve ever seen the building in LEGO movies and want a similar play-style, then this may be the one for you. Along with creating Gliders to traverse gaps, Scavengers can also use scrap to create a Breaker Blaster to break down cracked walls and a Net Launcher which creates nets that can be climbed on. They can also wall run and use Twirl Poles. Let’s take a look at all of their upgrades below:

  • Crafty – Can add new color schemes to Scavenger Tools. Level 1 allows for one more color (costs 10,000 Studs, 4 Kyber Bricks). Level 2 allows for two more colors (costs 25,000 Studs, 8 Kyber Bricks) and level 3 lets you add three additional colors (costs 50,000 Studs, 12 Kyber Bricks).
  • Expert Climber – Climbing speed is increased. Climb 40 percent faster at level 1 (costs 10,000 Studs, 4 Kyber Bricks); 80 percent faster at level 2 (costs 25,000 Studs, 8 Kyber Bricks); and 120 percent faster at level 3 (costs 50,000 Studs, 12 Kyber Bricks).
  • Better Breaker Blaster – The Breaker Blaster gains increased damage and explosive range. At level 1, the size of the explosion and damage is slightly increased (costs 10,000 Studs, 4 Kyber Bricks). Level 2 moderately increases both (costs 25,000 Studs, 8 Kyber Bricks) while level 3 greatly increases the damage and size of the explosion (costs 50,000 Studs, 12 Kyber Bricks).
  • Advanced Gliding – Gain increased speed with the Glider. Level 1 provides slightly increased speed (costs 10,000 Studs, 4 Kyber Bricks); level 2 moderately increases the speed (costs 25,000 Studs, 8 Kyber Bricks); and level 3 greatly increases the speed (costs 50,000 Studs, 12 Kyber Bricks).

Next up are the Villains who can access restricted areas, doors and terminals along with powerful weapons in Weapon Crates. They can also throw Grenades which destroy silver LEGO objects and hack things. Let’s take a look at their ability upgrades below:

  • Demolitions Expert – Grenades have a larger area of effect. At level 1, blast range is increased slightly (costs 10,000 Studs, 4 Kyber Bricks); at level 2, blast range is moderately increased (costs 25,000 Studs, 8 Kyber Bricks); and at level 3, blast range is greatly increased (costs 50,000 Studs, 12 Kyber Bricks).
  • Extra Ammo – Weapons from Weapon Crates have more ammo. This can range from 25 percent more at level 1 (costs 10,000 Studs, 4 Kyber Bricks); 50 percent more ammo at level 2 (costs 25,000 Studs, 8 Kyber Bricks); and 100 percent more ammo at level 3 (costs 50,000 Studs, 12 Kyber Bricks).
  • Defense Droid – Provides a training remote that will assist in combat. At level 1, its attacks deal small amounts of damage (costs 10,000 Studs, 4 Kyber Bricks); at level 2, it deals moderate damage with its attacks (costs 25,000 Studs, 8 Kyber Bricks); and at level 3, its attacks deal large amounts of damage (costs 50,000 Studs, 12 Kyber Bricks).
  • Villain Terminal Expert – Allows for bypassing Villain Terminals or earning bonus Studs on completing them. Completed Terminals grants 2500 Studs at level 1 (costs 10,000 Studs, 4 Kyber Bricks); 5000 Studs at level 2 (costs 25,000 Studs, 8 Kyber Bricks); and 7500 Studs at level 3 (costs 50,000 Studs, 12 Kyber Bricks).

Bounty Hunters are focused on, well, bounty hunting. They can see targets through walls, destroy Gold Blocks for Kyber Bricks (more on that here) and take on specific jobs. On top of this, they receive Studs for every defeated enemy, which can help when farming. Let’s take a look at all of the upgrades below:

  • Enemy Detector – Can be used to see enemies through walls. Level 1 will make nearby enemies visible (costs 10,000 Studs, 4 Kyber Bricks); level 2 allows for enemies from slightly further away to be seen through walls (costs 25,000 Studs, 8 Kyber Bricks); and level 3 allows distant enemies to be seen through walls (costs 50,000 Studs, 12 Kyber Bricks).
  • Hidden Bounties – Every defeated enemy drops Studs. Starts at 250 Studs per enemy at level 1 (costs 5,000 Studs, 4 Kyber Bricks); 500 Studs per enemy at level 2 (costs 15,000 Studs, 8 Kyber Bricks); and caps out at 750 Studs per enemy at level 3 (costs 25,000 Studs, 12 Kyber Bricks).
  • Scattershot – Fires a spread of bolts, thus dealing damage across a wider range. Level 1 fires 2x bolts (costs 10,000 Studs, 4 Kyber Bricks); level 2 fires 3x bolts (costs 25,000 Studs, 8 Kyber Bricks); and level 3 fires 4x bolts in a spread (costs 50,000 Studs, 12 Kyber Bricks).
  • Shock Grenade – Throw this to stun enemies for a short time and disable their shields. At level 1, stuns enemies in a short range (costs 10,000 Studs, 4 Kyber Bricks); at level 2, stuns enemies in a moderate range (costs 25,000 Studs, 8 Kyber Bricks); and at level 3, stuns foes in a large range (costs 50,000 Studs, 12 Kyber Bricks).

Next is the Astromech Droid which is capable of hacking devices and accessing locked off areas. Droid characters in general are also good for stealth since most enemies will just ignore you unless attacked. Let’s take a look at all of their ability upgrades below:

  • Distraction – Distract enemies with a hologram. At level 1, distracts enemies for three seconds (costs 10,000 Studs, 4 Kyber Bricks); at level 2, distracts them for five seconds (costs 25,000 Studs, 8 Kyber Bricks); and at level 3, causes enemies to flee for eight seconds (costs 50,000 Studs, 12 Kyber Bricks).
  • Droid Barge – Slide into enemies while moving, dealing damage upon collision. At level 1, slide a short distance and deal minor damage (costs 10,000 Studs, 4 Kyber Bricks); at level 2, slide a moderate distance and deal minor damage (costs 25,000 Studs, 8 Kyber Bricks); and at level 3, slide a moderate distance but deal significant damage (costs 50,000 Studs, 12 Kyber Bricks).
  • Astromech Socket Expert – Interactions with Astromech Sockets can either be bypassed or completed for Studs. Earn 2500 Studs for each completion at level 1 (costs 10,000 Studs, 4 Kyber Bricks); 5000 Studs for each completion at level 2 (costs 25,000 Studs, 8 Kyber Bricks); and 7500 Studs for each completion at level 3 (costs 50,000 Studs, 12 Kyber Bricks).
  • Super-Charged – Stun prod attacks can damage enemies nearby. At level 1, the damage is inflicted in a small range (costs 10,000 Studs, 4 Kyber Bricks); at level 2, damage is inflicted in a moderate range (costs 25,000 Studs, 8 Kyber Bricks); and at level 3, damage is inflicted in a large range (costs 50,000 Studs, 12 Kyber Bricks).

Protocol Droids are also completely ignored by enemies and can access Protocol Terminals. This allows for controlling systems like turrets, alarms, other droids and whatnot along with collecting passwords for locked doors. They can also split two parts and enter small spaces or press multiple switches at the same time. Other characters can also pick up these parts and throw them to reach inaccessible areas. If that weren’t, they can speak to every character without any translation issues.

Let’s take a look at all of their ability upgrades below:

  • Destructive Assembly – Upon disassembling, release a damaging shockwave. Shockwave radius is small at level 1 (costs 10,000 Studs, 4 Kyber Bricks); has a moderate radius at level 2 (costs 25,000 Studs, 8 Kyber Bricks); and a large radius at level 3 (costs 50,000 Studs, 12 Kyber Bricks).
  • Paid Translator – Translating alien languages awards Studs. At level 1, every new translation pays 500 Studs (costs 5,000 Studs, 4 Kyber Bricks); 1000 Studs at level 2 (costs 15,000 Studs, 8 Kyber Bricks); and 2500 Studs at level 3 (costs 25,000 Studs, 12 Kyber Bricks).
  • Polished Plating – Bolts fired by enemies have a chance to be deflected. At level 1, you gain a 50 percent chance to deflect bolts (costs 10,000 Studs, 4 Kyber Bricks); at level 2, gain a 75 percent chance (costs 25,000 Studs, 8 Kyber Bricks); and at level 3, gain the ability to deflect all enemy bolts (costs 50,000 Studs, 12 Kyber Bricks).
  • Turret Tune-up – When hacking a Protocol Terminal and accessing a turret, bolts fired from it will bounce. At level 1, they bounce off of one surface (costs 2,500 Studs, 1 Kyber Brick); at level 2, they bounce off of two surfaces (costs 5,000 Studs, 2 Kyber Bricks); and at level 3, they bounce off of three surfaces (costs 10,000 Studs, 4 Kyber Bricks).

Dark Side characters can also use the Force to pick up and throw objects along with employing Lightsabers in combat. They can also use Mind Tricks like Influence, Distract and Panic; wall-run and grip on surfaces with the Lightsaber; and swing from Twirl Poles. However, in terms of abilities, the Dark Side is a pathway to some that would be considered downright terrifying, in more ways than one. Let’s take a look at all of them below:

  • Fear the Dark Side – Causes enemies and civilian NPCs to flee in fear. At level 1, there is a five percent chance of causing fear at a slight distance (costs 10,000 Studs, 4 Kyber Bricks); at level 2, there is a 10 percent chance to cause fear from a moderate distance (costs 25,000 Studs, 8 Kyber Bricks); and at level 3, there is a 15 chance of fear from a greater distance (costs 50,000 Studs, 12 Kyber Bricks).
  • Power Push – Knock back more enemies from a wider range with Force Push. Range is slightly increased at level 1 (costs 10,000 Studs, 4 Kyber Bricks); moderately increased at level 2 (costs 25,000 Studs, 8 Kyber Bricks); and largely increased at level 3 (costs 50,000 Studs, 12 Kyber Bricks).
  • Force Crush – Requires Dark Rise to be unlocked. Enemies grabbed with the Force can be repeatedly dealt damage. Level 1 deals a small amount of damage to grabbed enemies (costs 10,000 Studs, 4 Kyber Bricks); level 2 deals moderate amount (costs 25,000 Studs, 8 Kyber Bricks); and level 3 deals a large amount of damage (costs 50,000 Studs, 12 Kyber Bricks).
  • Dark Rise – Force Lift’s power is boosted, allowing you to lift non-droid enemies at level 1 (costs 10,000 Studs, 4 Kyber Bricks); throw non-droid enemies at level 2 (costs 25,000 Studs, 8 Kyber Bricks); and throw all foes lifted with the Force must further at level 3 (costs 50,000 Studs, 12 Kyber Bricks).

Fully upgrading all of these of classes will take a good long while. Of course, you could always farm the Studs at a much faster rate by checking out our tips here. LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga is currently available for Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, PS4, PS5, PC and Nintendo Switch. Check out our official review for the game here.

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