Life Is Strange Receives 20 Minutes of Gameplay Footage

Very strange.

Life Is Strange is the latest game being released by the developers of Remember Me; this game will be released episodically and digitally, and it once again promises us a look at subject matter (and treatment of said subject matter) that is usually not seen in video games.

That said, while any game has to be lauded for attempting to tackle something more thematically complex than the norm, the actual, you know, game part is very important. Dontnod’s previous game, Remember Me, was similarly thematically bold, but the gameplay was mediocre so it sunk without a trace. It is thus understandable why someone might have reservations about their newest game.

To all of you, I just want to say, check out the gameplay for yourself, and decide if you like it or not. Posted above are the first twenty minutes of the game- figure out if this is something that you could see yourself playing and enjoying.

As for me, I want to give it a chance, at the very least.

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