Mass Effect 1 and 2 “were just a preamble” to Mass Effect 3

BioWare says that Mass Effect 1 and 2 were just a “preamble” to Mass Effect 3, which is the ultimate conclusion in the series, comparing the former to an American football season and the latter to the Superbowl.

“We want to make sure that if someone is new to the franchise they feel very comfortable playing Mass Effect 3,” BioWare Edmonton general manager Aaryn Flynn told Eurogamer. “Certainly it’s a very polished experience. In the story it starts at a time with a very singular focus and purpose in the galaxy.

“You could say the previous games were just a preamble to this moment. Everything has been building to this. It’s like the Superbowl. Who cares what happened in the regular season? Now’s the one that matters.”

He carries on: “Fans want a definitive end.

They’ll be the judge of that ultimately when they play it and see how we do that. Certainly, what this game absolutely does represent is the culmination of almost a decade’s worth of work for the studio and for Casey [Hudson] and his team in terms of exactly what we’re trying to do with the game we kicked off almost ten years ago. They’re working really hard to make it a real proper conclusion, something that’s fitting to what they’ve worked on for so long, and what the fans are telling us they’re dying to see.

“It feels good for them. They’re excited about the story they’re going to tell and what’s going to happen in the game. They’ve got lots of surprises up their sleeve and stuff they’ve been holding onto for a while.”

BioWare recently also said that they will not be revealing the game’s character roster anytime soon, so those who were waiting can keep waiting for some more time.

Mass Effect 3 releases March 6 next year for Xbox 360, PS3 and PC. Stay tuned for more updates.

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