Mass Effect 4 is Bringing Back Several Key Developers from the Original Trilogy

Project director Michael Gamble talks about multiple returning developers.

After having confirmed that the next Mass Effect is in development earlier this year, last week at The Game Awards, BioWare closed the show with a proper teaser trailer for the game, hinting at a return to the Milky Way galaxy in a post-Mass Effect 3 story. It seems the sequel is going to attempt to go back to what made the original trilogy so good- and that’s reflected in its development team as well, apparently.

Taking to Twitter, Mass Effect 4’s project director Michael Gamble spoke about several members of the game’s development team who had crucial roles to play in the development of the original trilogy as well. These include Dusty Everman, who was a senior level designer on the original trilogy, and returns to BioWare as Principal Narrative Designer; Parrish Ley, who was the cinematic director of Mass Effect 1-3; Brenon Holmes, who was a senior programmer on Mass Effect 1 and and senior designer on Mass Effect 3; and Derek Watts, who was Mass Effect’s original art director.

Mass Effect 4 is in early development right now, so there’s no word yet on when it will be out, or what platforms it will release for (or even what it’s name will be). It’ll probably be a while before we learn any of those details.

Recently, Gamble also hinted that Mass Effect 4 might not be abandoning the Andromeda storyline after all, contrary to what many believed, and could actually bridge the gap between the 2017 game and the original trilogy. You can read our analysis of the game’s teaser trailer to get some insight into what it teases for the sequel’s story through here.

Before that, we do have plenty of other Mass Effect content to look forward, most notably with Mass Effect: Legendary Edition releasing in Spring 2021 for PS5, Xbox Series X/S, PS4, Xbox One, and PC.

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