Metal Gear Online Update 1.01 Patch Notes Revealed

Pretty extensive update, this.

The upcoming Metal Gear Online patch 1.01 will apparently include quite a few tweaks, fixes, and additions to the online interpretation of Metal Gear gameplay- today Konami’s official MGO twitter account summarized some of the upcoming adjustments and fixes.

The changes include various bug fixes and balance adjustments, which should hopefully contribute towards keeping players returning to the mode. It includes a lot of changes, particularly to the Infiltrator class, which has completely dominated the metagame so far.The changes include:

  • CQC Damage – currently a 1-hit or 1-throw CQC move can stun opponents. We’ll be revising the damage required to knockout an opponent in order to prevent this.
  • CQC Range – the CQC range currently covers a wide left/right range. We’ll be narrowing the range and likewise, removing the CQC icon to encourage more skillful use of CQC moves.
  • Our telemetry data reveals that the infiltrator class is responsible for the vast majority of kills. The infiltrator class was originally intended to excel at stealth, but be at a disadvantage in direct conflict but that is currently not the case. To remedy the issue, health and stamina, along with the damage done by certain weapons will be adjusted.
  • The infiltrator’s stealth camo in particular gives them a disproportionate advantage over other classes. To achieve better balance, stealth camo will temporarily be disabled when taking damage. Battery life will also be decreased.
  • Players using stealth camo are extremely hard to mark when when using the Int-Scope/Binoculars. Therefore, the time required to focus on a player using stealth camo, in order to mark them, has been shortened.  We’ll make an exception for stealth camo for the attacking team when playing “CLOAK AND DAGGER” which will continue to operate as-is.
  • Saving teammates being fultoned by a player with the “FULTON+” Lv.2 ability was prohibitively difficult. Therefore, speed for “FULTON+” Lv.2 will be reduced to give players a realistic chance to be rescued.
  • CQC will be adjusted and better considered a special skill for the infiltrator class. The Infiltrator class was not intended to use heavy firepower, but access to certain weapons upset this balance. Therefore, some machine guns and launchers will no longer be usable by Infiltrators. To offset this, shotguns will be made exclusive to Infiltrators.
  • The E.LOCATOR is also being made exclusive to the Scout class and will no longer be available to Infiltrators.

So… basically, if you play as an infiltrator, the entire game has changed.

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