Metal Gear Solid 5: Dataminers Find 8 Missing Missions In The Game

More details found hidden in the game's files.

Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain is one of the year’s best game but it’s a well known fact that the game has missing content. The game was supposed to have Episode 51 and whole new chapter titled Peace. Plus a whole lot of gameplay features such as playable Battle Gear and guard dogs were removed from the game, despite the fact that these features had complete voice overs explaining them.

But it seems there is more. A Reddit user has datamined the PC version of the game and has found that the game had several missions, most of them had the player to replay them but the redditor found out there are 8 completely missing missions. The user has uploaded the mission details here and you can clearly see that there are a number of missions that have no data at all.

Now I am not sure whether this is necessarily cut content or is locked within a game. It’s hard to say at this point and with Konami not giving any official statement regarding future story DLC, other than no plans at the moment statement. However, please take this information with a grain of salt as we have not verified the information ourselves so this article stands as a rumor for now.

Interestingly, Konami retweeted a tweet by famous rapper Lupe Fiasco who asked Konami and Kojima about what is coming next.

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