Metal Gear Solid 5: Ground Zeroes Early Release Not Intentional – Kojima

Senior producer advises against publicly spoiling the game.

Metal Gear Solid 5: Ground Zeroes was to release on March 18th in North America and March 20th in Europe but the street date for the game has already broken in the UAE. Director Hideo Kojima took to Twitter to offer his take on the situation but clarified that it wasn’t intentional.

“Ground Zeroes isn’t a linear game and it’s a real sneaking simulator that provides a high degree of freedom. You can play any numbers of times and play style varies from person to person. This means that it’s very compatible with the share button. But seeing it demonstrated by an early leak wasn’t my intention.”

Meanwhile, senior producer Ken-ichiro Imaizumi took to Twitter to dissuade early consumers from spoiling the game. “Dear Sir/Madam, I know some people has already got GZ. Just enjoy but DO NOT spoil. There’re many fans are waiting for this for long time.”

What are your thoughts on the matter? We found out the game was only 3.82 GB on the PS4 as a result.

hideo kojimaKojima ProductionskonamiMetal Gear Solid 5: Ground Zeroesps3ps4xbox 360Xbox One