Metal Gear Solid 5: Keighley Comments On Whether There Is More Story DLC Incoming

He once had Kojima map out the timeline of Phantom Pain and Ground Zeroes.

Most of the talk about Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain recently has centered around the fallout from the game’s director, Hideo Kojima not actually being allowed to appear at a number of the most recent game awards ceremonies. In both those ceremonies his game won some rather prestigious honors but he was apparently barred from coming to receive those awards. Recently the man who put the The Game Awards together, Geoff Keighly held an AMA on Reddit and not surprisingly the conversation did indeed turn to Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain.

There were of course, the usual questions about Keighly’s thoughts regarding the feud between Konami and Kojima. The conversation didn’t stay there though. One helpful Redditor, asked about whether or not the game was going to be getting any more story content in the form of DLC. The answer likely wasn’t as helpful as Phantom Pain fans had hoped as he replied, “I don’t know. A few years ago Kojima drew me a little timeline on a scrap of napkin to explain The Phantom Pain’s timeline and how Ground Zeroes would fit into it at the beginning. But he never talked about the other side of the timeline…then he ripped up the paper.”

It appears at least one user thought Geoff might have trying to be coy and actually told him to stop hiding information and just give them the goods regarding Chapter 3. He responded, “Not hiding anything in that regard, but Kojima does love to surprise us (including me)!” Looks like we’re just going to have to wait and see if Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain really does have something new to offer in the future.

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