Metal Gear Solid 5 PS4 Collector’s Edition Bundle Shipping Without DLC Codes – Report

Hope this does not turn out to be a mess.

While there is plenty of excitement surrounding the impending release of Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain, there have also been a number of problems surrounding the game. Earlier this week, we talked about how British games retailer GAME had accidentally canceled a number of pre-orders. Now it appears that those who purchased the Collector’s Edition Bundle of the PS4 version of the title will find that the bundle does not, in fact, come with the DLC code for the game.

A user on Reddit appears to be one of the people who first noticed this and it turns out that this isn’t a massive screw up, as long as you’re aware of what should actually be coming in the box and what is coming later. It turns out that those who purchased the PS4 version of the collector’s edition bundle will have their full game download code emailed to them rather than getting a card in the package that will have the code written on it.

At the moment, it isn’t clear as to why this happened and why the code was not put in the bundle itself. However the code is present in the Collector’s Edition Xbox One bundle. As a reminder, the Collector’s Edition bundle includes:

  • Snake Costume Pack (4 camouflage outfits for Snake)
  • Cardboard Box Pack (3 cardboard boxes)
  • Weapons Pack (4 guns, 4 ballistic shields)
  • Venom Snake Emblem
  • Metal Gear Online items (Metal Gear Rex Helmet, AM MRS-4 Gold, WU S. Pistol Gold)
  • Metal Gear Online XP Boost

Metal Gear Solid: The Phantom Pain launches starting September 1.

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