Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain PS4 File Size Revealed For Metal Gear Online

Make some room.

While Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain fans are anxiously awaiting a new patch to arrive for the game, they’re also awaiting the official launch of the online multiplayer addition to the title. Now, at least those who are waiting will be able to prepare their hard drive for the patch and the new content, both expected on October 6. According to the Playstation Japan online store, the file size when it comes to the PS4 for Metal Gear Online will be about 913 MB.

If you want to be able to play Metal Gear Online, you’re going to need to download this particular bunch of content and you’ll also need to get the patch that is coming around the same time for the original game. While there are some who wondered why it took a couple of weeks to get this multiplayer mode, it isn’t the first game in current generation consoles. When Grand Theft Auto V was launched, it was only launched with the single player campaign.

The online portion of GTA V was released after the game had been on the market for a while. Also like Metal Gear Online, the extra content brought with the online mode in the game took up a sizable chunk of your hard drive. More and more games are eating into storage space on the PS4 and Xbox One to the point that people are looking to either upgrade to a larger hard drive console, or putting in their own new hard drive. Metal Gear Online and the new patch for Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain goes live on October 6, 2015.

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