Minecraft Wii U Edition Listing Seems To Have Disappeared

Will they, won't they?

Last week, just on the eve of Nintendo’s first Nintendo Direct in months, European games rating board PEGI leaked a rating for the pop culture phenomenon Minecraft, indicating that the game would finally be coming over to Nintendo’s console. It made so much sense, too, as the game was perfect for the Wii U, both in terms of the Wii U’s interface, as well as the Wii U’s demographic, which primarily skews younger.

Many thought that the game would be announced at the Nintendo Direct- that did not happen, and now, the PEGI rating seems to be gone. Disappeared. Lost without a trace.

It’s very puzzling- what does it mean?

For Wii U owners who want to play Minecraft on their system, this is not necessarily bad news- it could indicate that the rating was published earlier by mistake, and has thus been withdrawn. In turn, that could imply that the game is coming, yes, but not right away- a little later. But ratings board listings are usually pretty much clad in iron, so the existence of a Wii U Minecraft game is not a question any more- it’s more a matter of when, not if.

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