Molyneux: Fable III ‘a bigger game world than Halo’

Having admitted recently that Fable II was rushed and riddled with bugs, just as he did with Fable when Fable II was about to be released (we see through your lies, bald man!), Molyneux has stated that Fable III’s world will be bigger and better than any Microsoft game has ever created, including Crackdown 2, Gears of War, and Halo.

He told this: “Fable, because it is part-simulation, part-role-playing game, part-action-adventure… it’s got more voice acting, a bigger cast, more musical scores, a bigger, freer world – more so than any other game in the whole of Microsoft Game Studios’ portfolio, full stop.

“It’s got more bugs, more active bugs, than any game that MS has ever had in its history – and the team of over 100 people are working insanely long hours, and they’re coming down. That’s the way it is.”

Fable III will be out for the Xbox 360 and PC by the end of October 2010. Watch out for it.

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