With Title Update 3 coming to Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak later this month, Capcom has announced a new Digital Event. Hosted by Dame Fiorayne, it will feature information on the free update, from new monsters and “expanded gameplay systems” to a release date and the latest roadmap. The Digital Event will take place on November 16th, 6 PM PST.
Capcom has remained tight-lipped on what Title Update 3 could entail, from the identities of the new monsters to new features. Director Yoshitake Suzuki did confirm an option to adjust the Anomaly Investigation Quest level. If one receives a level 31 quest and goes up to level 100 on the same, they can change the level within that range to target-farm lower-level Anomaly materials.
Stay tuned for more details when the Digital Event airs next week. Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak is available for Nintendo Switch and PC and has topped 4.4 million units worldwide. Check out our review of the expansion here. Capcom also recently announced new mobile Monster Hunter in association with TiMi Studio Group – learn more about that here.