Monster Hunter World Iceborne Releases on September 6th for Consoles

First gameplay footage showcasing the new locale and monsters released.

Capcom’s Spring Update reveal stream for Monster Hunter World was, of course, dedicated to more details for Iceborne. The massive expansion to the game will be out on September 6th for Xbox One and PS4. Check out the first gameplay trailer below, which showcases quite a lot.

The new snowy region looks gorgeous, with its own indigenous wildlife and visual effects. We get to see new monsters, including confirmation of Nargacuga, Beotodus, and a new Elder Dragon, Velkhana. New attacks for each weapon, including a special mounting attack for the Longsword, were showcased as well. There’s even a new Palico tool that seemingly revives the player if they get knocked out.

Those who pre-order the expansion will receive the Yukumo layered armour set as a bonus. On top of this, Capcom will be selling Monster Hunter World together with Iceborne as Monster Hunter World: Iceborne Master Edition. No information on a PC release was provided, but one can hope that it’s within this year. Stay tuned for more details in the meantime.

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