Monster Hunter World: Iceborne – Safi’jiiva Siege Quest Now Live

The new Elder Dragon is available to battle until January 4th 2020.

Monster Hunter World Iceborne - Safi'jiiva_02Monster Hunter World Iceborne - Safi'jiiva_02

Capcom’s recent Title Update for Monster Hunter World: Iceborne may have been focused on Stygian Zinogre but it brought another terrifying presence to the game. As the matured form of Xeno’jiiva, the Elder Dragon has been officially christened as Safi’jiiva and the Siege quest to take it down is now live. Check out the trailer below.

Much like Kulve Taroth, you’ll need to work with other Hunters to fight off the menace. However, several mechanics are carried over from the Behemoth fight – you’ll gain Safi’jiiva’s Ire and have to block its attacks. And when it unleashes Sapphire of the Emperor, you better find some place to hide. The breakdown trailer below offers even more worthwhile tips.

Safi’jiiva will dole out new Awakened weapons and a new armor set for those brave enough to defeat it. The Siege Quest is live until January 4th 2020 for Xbox One and PS4. PC players take heart – Monster Hunter World: Iceborne is out just a few days later on January 9th 2020 via Steam. Stay tuned for more details in the meantime.

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